Content Marketing

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Moving to a new country is a daunting challenge. Moving to a new country where you don’t speak the official language when your job is 90% language-based is an even more formidable prospect. And in 2018, that is exactly what I did. I moved to the Netherlands as a native English copywriter. After taking a […]

One of the biggest challenges when you launch a new website or blog is to find the people who are interested in what you have created. Fortunately, digital marketing offers plenty of opportunities for connecting with the people who want what you have to offer them. While it may seem overwhelming at first to grow

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Quality content means relevant content. When content is relevant to your audience, it’s way more likely that your audience will:           See your content in their search results           Read your content           Interact with and share your content           Respond to your calls to action How do you make sure your content is relevant